Monday 20 October 2014

The Best 15 Maps in COD History

So, we've looked at the worst, so now it's time for the best. We all have our favourite maps and all for our own reasons. Whether we like small, hectic maps; medium tactical maps; or the large downright pointless maps; we're all entitled to our own opinion. So here's my list of the Top 15 Maps in COD history... get ready for a blast from the past as we relive all your classic COD map memories!
Kicking us off though we've a couple of honorable mentions...

Honorable Mentions 
Sub Pens - World at War
Oh how I miss this map. I had WaW on the PS3 and now I have my Xbox I simply haven't bought it because it's hacked. Shame really as I used to love playing this map. It's mysterious, fast paced and also has a couple of tactical routes too. The hectic battle around the center room were always tense and it was just so much fun to play! Just misses out a spot in the top 15 though as there are so many good maps to choose from!

Rundown - MW2
Tense, fast paced, hectic battles; what more could you want? Sadly this map was subject ti constant spamming of noob tubes and snipers, just like every other MW2 map. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot of indoor cover so there little there was, there was always intense battles to control them. Killstreaks worked a treat and this map was always just so much fun to play on; although the colours are a bit lackluster and dull.

Kowloon - Black Ops
Any map that starts with a 747 flying overhead is a good map in my eyes. An interesting locations, with interesting lines of sight, a good mix of vertical gameplay, rain, fantastic objective gameplay and of course, zip lines! This map had everything and was just a blast! Only downside would probably be all the camping in the monkey room with blasted claymores! So frustrating!

Standoff - Black Ops 2
A very nice map indeed. Like a lot of the Black Ops 2 maps it was vibrant, unique and a lot of fun to play. Every game mode worked perfectly on this map and there was always intense battles round every corner; you were never devoid of someone to shoot at. Just misses out on a top 15 position though, simply because of the competition it's up against...

...Which is where we come onto now; the top 15 maps of all time!

15. Crash - Modern Warfare
That iconic crashed plane; that's all that simply needs to be said. So much fun on any game mode with battles occurring round every corner. Crash was just executed so well and definitely deserves a place on this list. 

14. Fog - Ghosts
Infinity Ward definitely struck gold with their DLC maps. After the atrocious default maps, it was nice to see some good ones. And Fog is simply amazing! Such a unique, eerie setting, those chimes of Michael Meyers send a shiver down anyone's spine! It's just such a well put together map with a good layout, good flow and never a dull game.

13. Dome - MW3
Dome, sweet Dome. A small, hectic, intense map. Perfect for domination and kill confirmed, this map was just ace! Killstreaks would go to work and it was so good to get people off their spawns in the very few buildings there were. Yes, the snipers on the catwalk were annoying but they don't stay their for long once a support stealth bomber goes overhead ;) Which is in no way acceptable!

12. Scrapyard - MW2
"Tactical Nuke Incoming!" This map was so good for getting nukes. Once that chopper gunner was up in the air, you were sorted. This map is so good, small and simple it certainly packs a punch! With a good balance of long lines of sight and close quarter engagements, this map just played perfectly.

11. Mission - MW3 much fun!!! One of the very few good maps in MW3 and a damn good one at that. Suited for every engagement, this map was just really well designed. Only downside is that there was one indoor building, and everyone fought to control it. Shame, guess my killstreaks will just have to kill everyone! Just so much fun on every game mode, this map was always a favourite to play back in the MW3 days.

 10. Collision - Ghosts
Controversial maybe? Not in my eyes. Infinity Ward just got it right with this map. It was so enjoyable to play. Tactical objective locations, indoor and outdoor spots, overground and underground, Collision had the perfect mix of everything. Had this been in a much better game it would be much higher in the list. Only the crap spawning let it down. Poor Ghosts.

 9. Hard Hat - MW3
The best MW3 map, hand down. With hectic battles over the center pipe, rushing round the outskirts of the map and intense confronts in the center, this map had everything. It just worked so well, had a good mix of indoor and outdoor and was just so much fun to play. Never a dull moment and never a dull game.


 8.Castle - World at War
Oh how I wish I still had this game. This map was amazing! So much fun, sniping on the rooftops, sub machine guns in the castle, rifles across the court, shotguns in the upstairs room, this map had it all. It was just so much fun to play for everyone in every game mode. Round of applause for Treyarch please.

 7. Firing Range - Black Ops

 Colourful, fun, vibrant, exciting, intense. Firing range is one of the most perfect maps ever. Not too small but not too big to be medium, this map is the perfect balance of everything.

 6. Cove - Black Ops 2
An unexpected entry perhaps? Not in my eyes. If  you've not played any of the Black Ops 2 DLC then you need to go buy this map straight away and play it! Or find a friend who as it. It's such a good map I can't express that enough. Colourful and different, it has so many different lines of sight, a good layout and hectic battles everywhere- not a wasted piece of space! And killstreaks work a treat too.


 5. Trailer Park - MW2
Such a good DLC map. Hectic battles all the time. It's impossible to ever have a boring match. There's the perfect combination of cover and outdoor areas; tight corners and long lines; it's just amazing! And for a MW2 map it was also colourful and vibrant too! A very innovative idea.

 4. Stadium - Black Ops
Thank you Treyarch. Thank you for this map because it is amazing. What's not to love? Exactly. If you've not played this map you need to; it's so much fun.

 3. Summit - Black Ops
Top 3 time now! The best maps that have been made ever. And in at number 3 it's another Black Ops map, you guessed it, it's Summit. Everyone loves this map, end of. Just look at it: it's the best snow map ever! Just a perfect layout with perfect flow and gameplay.

 2. Hijacked - Black Ops 2
Just missing out on the top spot we've got Hijacked. Such a unique location and just look at it, it's beautiful! Treyarch did an amazing job, this map was so well executed and loved by all.
So now it's time for the number one, the best map in COD history. You've probably all guessed it anyway. Here's a clue: it's made by Treyarch- duh! ;)

1. Nuketown - Black Ops
Do I really need to say anything? At all? You all know why this is number one.

So there we are, the best maps of COD history! Feel free to comment your opinion and thoughts and hit the follow button and stay tuned for more! Next stop: perks!

Knowledgeable Conduct