Sunday 19 October 2014

The Worst COD Maps of All Time

What better place to start than looking at maps. Because let's face us, there's a huge long list of maps we've experience. From the good, the bad, the atrocious and the unmentionable, every edition of COD has a selection of each. Whether it's from the original list of maps or the sneaky money-making DLC maps, we all have our favourite and we all have have our least. So let's get started and look at the worst maps in COD history. Now remember, this is my own personal choice, feel free to comment with your own views and opinions.
Now I wanted to try and do a top 10, but it was simply not enough for the bad here's a top 20 and a couple of honorable mentions too!
Honorable Mentions

Wet Work - Modern Warfare

It was COD 4 where the multiplayer craze really started and in all fairness, it has some of the best variety of maps of any COD game. Sadly, Wet Work was one of the not so good maps. Wet and dark, this map was a frag fest and when you weren't getting blown up by the constant spamming of grenades you can be sure there'd be a sniper picking you off from the end of the ship. I had no fun on this map at all, however the unique setting is what keeps it in the honorable mention list...for now!

Breach - World at War
The World at War map packs were good...really good. There were some classic, fun maps that came out of them. There were also some strange one; which is where Breach comes in. I don't know how to describe it except...weird. Slow action, camping in the same goddam room upstairs, this map was just no fun to play. Shame really as there weren't many WaW maps I would chose to skip, this however was one of them. But it has a charm to it I suppose being a WaW map pack map so it's just missed out being in the actual list.

 Stockpile - Black Ops
 Black Ops had its share of awful maps. However, in general the map pack maps were decent...can you see a trend here? Although with Stockpile, all I can say is camp, camp, camp. That's all anyone did in this map! Get in the main building, shut the doors, camp on the catwalk and just wait to pick people off! The fights outside were decent however and objective games worked nicely, which is why it's just an honorable mention.

 Tremor - Ghosts
"Tremor" AKA a small shake with a telegraph pole that falls over. This map sucked. Just like the majority of Ghosts' maps. Too big, slow gameplay and a pathetic excuse of map dynamics! This map was just no fun. Had this been a countdown of top 25 worst maps then this might have just made the cut, but it just scrapes by as a honorable mention.

Right, now time for the actual countdown! The worst 20 maps of COD history!

 20. Countdown - Modern Warfare
This excuse of a map is dreadful. Essentially a circle with a couple of warehouses and holes in the middle. Simple. That is all this map consists of. And the stupid smoke coming out the silos?! That just makes it even worse, this was one of the worst maps in COD4, all the gameplay just consists of grenade launchers across the map to catch people at spawn. Thank the Lord this map wasn't in MW2!

 19. Seelow - World at War
What were Treyarch thinking?! This map is sooooo big! And what's worse than a big map? A big map that's dull, actionless, is full of campers and did I mention tanks?! This map was just dreadful. The only action that occurred was on the bridge in domination when fighting over B. That's when you weren't spending your time wandering across the map to find people or weaving your way past the bloody tanks. This was one map I refused to play, I always backed out the lobby when this one popped up; as did most other people for obvious reasons!

 18. Bog - Modern Warfare
I despair. Why bother putting a map like Bog in the game?! It's dark, dull, mainly outdoors and caters for one weapon type: snipers. EVERY game is a snipe fest. It's sometimes not even possible to get away from spawn as you're being picked off from the other side of the map by a hardscoper hidden away in the dark! Not good for any game type and just frustrating and boring to play.

 17. Whiteout - Ghosts
Well, COD do love their snow maps. And Whiteout is an example of how crap they are. Asides this is a Ghosts map so it's automatically huuuuuuge, this map just mad no flow, a bad layout and action. Just like nearly every other snow map! Yes, there are some exceptions but not in this case. Spawn trapping in the village area. Need I say more?

 16. Quarry - MW2
Bland as an unseasoned dish of food; that's the best way to describe Quarry. Again, another map catered for snipers with long lines of sight and high vantage points. This map was just dreadful. Camping, camping, sniping and some more camping, this map was just dull as play as it was to look at! And the little indoor areas there were on the map - just pointless! They were not put to good use at all.

 15. Cracked - Black Ops
How to start? This map was just terrible! It was slow paced, full of campers and just dull. This was just was useless map, they might as well have not included it. It didn't add anything to the game except a sense of crappy map design. Seriously, the layout is awful, there's so many building and corners to camp in it's not possible to get any good action. CTF at a stretch was playable but everyone just camped around the flags.

 14. Turbine - Black Ops 2
The map Treyarch chose to showcase in their multiplayer reveal. What a mistake. There was so much hype, this map turned out to be flop. Snipers everywhere, and even the snipers didn't enjoy playing it. This map was so badly designed; with too much verticality and long lines of sight, this map was just no fun. You want action? If you like dying from camping snipers and the wall mounted machines gun which are just pointless and stupid; then this is the map for you.

 13. Crisis - Black Ops
Cut out half of this map and you still have a totally goddam awful map. Most of this map serves no purpose, like the beach; what's all that about?! It's too big, dull, slow and everyone just camps...yet again! Every game mode was dull and slow on this map and 9.9999 times out of 10 you reached the time limit before the score limit. This should not have made it into the game.

 12. Nightfire - World at War
The worst World at War map pack map. Period. Dark, large and just ridiculously boring, this map was dreadful! Everyone just hid in the shadows, there was no action, no nothing. This map was pointless! Yes, from the loading screen it looked exciting and different. Different yes, exciting no. From the moment the match started you just wanted to back out straight away.

 11. Estate - MW2

This make makes me shudder it's that bad. Every match was just a battle for control of the stupid house. And the house was so ridiculously easy to hold down if you were in, you were pretty much there to stay. Until the grenade launchers took you out. No fun at all. The rest of the map was useless and never used and killstreaks were pretty useless to if the entire enemy team was in the bloody house.

10. Array - Black Ops
Now we get into the top 10. These maps are the downright ugly. And starting us off we've got Array. Another snow map, another crap map. Who remembers having a good match on this map? No one? I thought so... Everyone blended into the snow, snipers dominated the game and the tiny slithers of action all happened in one location. This map was just dreadful. It was too big and just slow paced. 

 9. Fuel - MW2
F: fast paced? Certainly not.
U: Undeniably amazing? No way.
E: Exciting? Just like watching paint dry.
L: Love it? Hate it.
Fuel is dreadful. In ever way shape and form. Large, no actions and just plain boring. It looks disgusting, plays disgusting and it's just plain disgusting. Why  Infinity Ward thought we'd like this I don't. Nothing good happens, every game is just a marathon of running round trying to find people. It's beyond words how bad it is.

 8. Silo - Black Ops
A map pack map. And a bad one at that. This photo in no way resembles what a game on Silo is like. It's slow paced and just looks boring. Yes there's rockets and that is cool but not when you look at the surrounding area. The layout was just bad and encouraged camping and the only action was getting spawn trapped at the back of the map. No fun at all. Tailored for snipers and LMGs, you just got picked off at a distance before you had any chance to do anything.

 7. Wasteland - MW2
A dull field with a tunnel in the middle. Killed by every killstreak due to the openness and noob tubes across the map from spawn. I don't need to say anything else.

6. Outpost - MW3
Another snow map. Another crap map. Just missing out on a top 5 place, Outpost is just dreadful in every way. No game mode works, it's too big, the layout is dreadful, the lines of sight are too long, the buildings encourage camping. It's just so badly designed it's crazy. Again, snipers are tailored for and it's just not possible to have a good game.

Now time for the top 5. These maps are the epitome of bad maps. They're in no way loved by anyone. Fact. And if you do love them, go see a doctor.
 5. Siege - Ghosts
Ahhhh Ghosts, the game of ridiculously large maps. Siege, siege, siege. Where to start. This map is pointless. There is no action, there is no layout, there is no flow. There is nothing. Did the developers even play this before publishing the game? Who in their right mind would enjoy this? Cut out 3/4 of the map and it's still too big, it's just so frustrating this was even in the game. It is so so bad. I always back out the lobby and if I join a game, I back out. Screw win/loss, this map is so crap it makes me want to scream.

 4. Stormfront - Ghosts
Basically Siege but in the rain, duller colours and more campy indoor areas. I'm going to go ahead and paste the same thing:
Where to start. This map is pointless. There is no action, there is no layout, there is no flow. There is nothing. Did the developers even play this before publishing the game? Who in their right mind would enjoy this? Cut out 3/4 of the map and it's still too big, it's just so frustrating this was even in the game. It is so so bad. I always back out the lobby and if I join a game, I back out. Screw win/loss, this map is so crap it makes me want to scream.

 3. Aftermath - Black Ops 2
The top 3 now. And this map is terrible. How can anyone play this?! How can anyone vote for this in the rotation?! How can anyone bare this?! This map is bad it's's just awful! No pace, no action, a crap layout, not catered for anyone except campers. If it could have a score out of 10: -1. It's just awful. I've only ever played one full game on this map; my very first one. And I hated it. So much.

 2. Downturn - MW3
The MW3 Aftermath. It sucks for all the same reasons. And as a bonus it's also dull and dark and just goddam awful to look at. No match is good, everyone camps indoors, spawn traps and it's just never an enjoyable time. I'd rather play play on wasteland and get noob tubed all day instead of playing one match on this map. Infinity Ward- sort it out. But if you thought that was bad.....

1. Stonehaven - Ghosts
In case you hadn't guessed already, in at number 1 we have Stonehaven; The worse map in COD history. No one knows what Infinity Ward was thinking when they designed this and what's more, what they were thinking when they published it. It's miles and miles too big, it's like it's own island. It's crap crap crap. No one likes this. Snipers everywhere. And i use the term everywhere loosely as half the match is spent looking for people. I don't think we'll ever see a map so bad as this.  A lesson has been learnt, the community doesn't like large maps and this one just takes the piss.

So there we have it, the worst 20 maps ever in Call of Duty history. Do you agree, disagree? Comment and let me know and here's to the future and hopefully much better map design than the monstrous ones you've seen here. And stay tuned for the best maps, coming soon.....
All the best,

Knowledgeable Conduct 




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